Tailhunter International sportfishing vacations
Baja California Sur  
La Paz Flyfishing Trips
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fly fishing mexicoIf you’re a Flyfisher in the La Paz areas, you’re truly one of the first to ever bring a flyrod to these waters. Many conventional fishermen are only now discovering the incredible fishery and diversity of the region so as a flyfisher you’re looking at even more virgin flyfishing waters!

The Sea of Cortez has more than 700 different species of fish. Jacques Cousteau called it the “Aquarium of the World” and are approximately 50 species of gamefish in this 1000-mile long body of water including some of the most sought-after species such as bluewater offshore fish like dorado (aka “mahi mahi” or “dolphin fish”), yellowfin tuna, wahoo, sailfish and marlin and inshore with seabass, pompano, sierra, yellowtail, amberjack and jack crevalle among others.

flyfishing for tunaThe diversity of the area is equally awesome. From wide expanses of white-sand beaches and turquoise waters to rocky coves and islands and from cobalt blue waters to mangroves-lined bays, the Baja will equally inspire, frustrate and excite even the most battle-tested flyfishing angler.

On the other hand, that diversity is also what makes this area so great for the novice as well. Calm waters and inshore conditions for even the largest of species are a great area to learn or improve skills. Think about it. You will NEVER miss the water with a cast! You will NEVER hang up your line on an overhead branch! When the fish are boiling around you, pinpoint accuracy is not as important as simply getting your line into the water and making a presentation that will get already excited fish to react and slam your fly! Better hold on!

baja flyfishing checklist

Rod sizes... at least a 10 weight or heavier.
When fishing in Baja you never know what will show up. Depending on conditions, if you have a line in the water, you can get hit by anything from a roosterfish to a bonito or from a tuna to a marlin! If you want to go lighter…all the more fun and action!

baja on the flyReels, same thing: 10wt,12wt & 15wt reels all with plenty of backing and good drags.

Lines: Sinking and shooting head lines so that you can cover as much of the water column as possible.

Leaders: 6x and up leader tippets.

Flies: Should imitate our bait which is mostly the Mexican sardine. Klausser and Deceiver patterns as well as Spanish Fly and Imposters are most effective. Sizes from #1, 1/0, 3/0 5/0 and if going for Sailfish and Marlin tandem hook flies . Fly colors, Pink,Violet/white Chartreuse/White, Blue/White and Green/White all with silver flash. Some anglers bring plain silver or white patterns and permanent markers in blue, green, red and purple and color-streak their flies until the find the most effective color.

sierra caught in the sea of cortezTerminal gear: Take a reel cover, some single strand wire 20-40lb. in case you run into a wahoo or two.

A good rod tube, one that you can lock.

Clothing: Take light clothing, a broad rimmed hat, comfortable shoes to use on the boats (*not flip flops, they give you no protection for your ankles and the sun on those white feet will blow up like a balloon when they get too much sun, not a good thing.)

Take plenty of waterproof sunscreen.

Think about wearing a bathing suit under your clothes when out there so you can jump over and cool off if it is real hot.

A light waterproof wind breaker.

Don't Forget the Camera
to Record Those Great Catches!


From the US: (626) 638-3383
Tailhunter Sales


(Salvatierra y Torre Iglesias)
Paseo Alvaro Obregon #755
La Paz, Baja California Sur 23020 México

Tailhunter International
8030 La Mesa Blvd #178
La Mesa, CA 91942 US

Jonathan Roldan

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